First, second, and third place finishers in approved AAU District Swimming Championship Meets in individual events under 400M, will qualify for the AAU Junior Olympic Games. Swimmers must place in the District Championship in the age division they will compete in during the AAU Junior Olympic Games.
In addition, swimmers who meet or beat the U.S. Swimming long course “A” minimum time standard for all 200M, 400M and 1500M events and "BB” time standards for events under 200M are eligible to compete in the events where they meet the minimum time standards. Qualification for the 400M and 1500M is time only. The time standard must have been met during a bona fide competition between the date of the previous year’s AAU Junior Olympic Games entry deadline and the current year’s entry deadline, whether it was AAU, USA Swimming, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Parks & Recreation, etc. No attempts against time are acceptable as a means of qualification. No yard times will be accepted. Yard times must be converted to long course meter times! For the 8 & under division, U.S. Swimming long course time standards have not been established. The 8 & under division is open to any participant.
Swimmers must list their time on the entry form and bring their time verification to the Championship. Qualified swimmers may swim in bonus events, as approved, for 50M, 100M and 200M events. For every qualified event, a swimmer may enter 1 bonus events. At a minimum, it is suggested to have a “B” time standard to request approval for bonus events. Bonus events are subject to approval by the AAU National Aquatics Committee.
National Championships
National Championships held outside of the AAU Junior Olympic Games may have separate qualifying standards.