Willard T. Vandivier Award
Awarded to the volunteer who has donated the most outstanding service to the youth of their community.
1987 - Steve Ross
1988 - Michael L. Smith
1989 - John Feitag
1990 - Tom McCann
1991 - Larry Bergstrom
1992 - Henry Harmoney
1993 - Bart Freidenberg
1994 - Warren Wilson
1995 - Larry Bergstrom
1996 - Ken Chertow
1997 - Warren Wilson
1998 - The Niagara Association
1999 - Chris Orlando
2000 - The Wagner Family
2002 - Charlie Church
2003 - Dave Bennetts
2004 - Rose Lucero
2005 - James Hewitt
2006 - Terry Williams
2007 - Norm Palovcsik
2008 - Norman Thacker
2009 - Laurie Abernathy
2010 - Don Barnett
2011 - Lee Pamulak
2012 - Larry Lujan
2013 - Dan Helmick
District Person of the Year
Presented to the person who has made the greatest contribution to AAU Wrestling.
1983 - None
1984 - None
1985 - David Bergum
1986 - None
1987 - Michaelene Flagg
1988 - Walter Flagg
1989 - Cindi Trombly
1990 - Bob Johnson
1991 - Bob Johnson
1992 - Mike Klein
1993 - Jamie Shade
1994 - Bob Johnson
1995 - Jack Roller
1996 - Bart Freidenberg
1997 - Chuck Smith
1998 - Wade Schalles
2000 - Bruce Ollis
2001 - Terry Williams & Vick Morales
2002 - Stan Chambers
2003 - Guy Melby
2004 - Rodney Grainger
2005 - Lee Pamulak
2006 - Manny Garcia
2007 - John Abad
2008 - Doug Denson
2009 - Todd Miller
2010 - Dan Swatek
2011 - Scott Szalwinski
2012 - David Mudgett
2013 - Dan Elser
Mort Geller Award
Honoring the International Style Official in the AAU.
1974 - Steve Evanoff
1975 - Jack Gause
1976 - Dick Torio
1977 - Ed Garber
1978 - Pepi King
1979 - Dr. Larry Warren & Jim Herold
1980 - Rick Tucci
1981 - Dick Comly
1982 - Sheila Wager
1983 - None
1984 - None
1985 - Jan Hesser
1986 - Kevin Martin
1987 - Dick Comly
1988 - Paul Pearce & Emily Carpenter
1989 - Fr. Michael Devine & Susan Dennis
1990 - Jerry Matsumoto & Edie Higgins
1991 - Don Herold & Clara Smith
1992 - Mike Klein
1993 - Jamie Shade
1994 - Kurt Weinberger
1995 - Dave Boger
1996 - Nick Rollo
1998 - Dave Boger
1999 - Mort Geller
2000 - Ira Fleckman
2001 - Joe Sylvestri
2002 - Mike Rusak
2003 - Pete Bolanis
2004 - Sam Julien
2005 - Rodney Grainger
2006 - Joe E. Silvestri
2007 - Scott McAdoo
2008 - Blake Love
2009 - Dale Gardner
2010 - Chuck Sherer
2011 - Drew Anderson
2012 - Deddrick (DJ) Worthy
2013 - Larry Lehnerz
2014 - TBA
2015- Kurt Weinberger
2016- Karl Nadolsky
2017- Brock Zollinger
2018- Jake Love
2019- Mark Levasseur
Folkstyle Official of the Year
Awarded to the best Folkstyle Official in the AAU.
1999 - Phil Pennington
2000 - Ron Minoletti
2001 - Ross Thomas
2002 - Tom Holland
2003 - Kenneth Watkins
2004 - Frank Pavich
2005 - Barb Brummet
2006 - Paul Bassinge
2007 - Terry Williams
2008 - Ross Thomas
2010 - Don Schroder
2011 - Don Elsea
2012 - Al Van Whye
2013 - Rick Solofsky
2014 - Michael Diglia
2015- Alan Soloman
2016- Sean Cheff
2017- Kurt Weinberger
2018- Tony Guerrero
2019- Chris Cheff
Pairing Master of the Year
Awarded to the most Outstanding Pairing Master Official in the AAU.
1995 - Bev Collier
1996 - Lillian McCracken
1997 - Sue Dennis
1998 - Emily Carpenter
1999 - Emily Carpenter
2000 - Karen Wilson
2001 - Donna Taylor
2002 - Don Whitmus
2003 - Tonya Wagner
2004 - Bill Rewitzer
2005 - Marie Hatcher
2006 - Cindi Trombly
2008 - Melissa Schutt
2009 - Darlene Grainger
2010 - Sabrina Corbett
2011 - Gale Brown
2012 - Angie Burrows
2013 - Amanda Cortez
2014 - Dan Vacha
2015- Emily Johnson
2016- Donna Taylor
2017- Kevin Wright
2018- Darlene Grainger
2019- Roger Riggins
Wrestling Person of the Year
Honoring the individual who has done the most for the advancement of AAU Wrestling.
1974 - Newt Copple
1975 - John Dustin
1976 - Newt Copple
1977 - Joe Scalzo
1978 - Newt Copple
1979 - Guenther Kruse
1980 - Don Murray
1981 - Dave Edington
1982 - None
1983 - None
1984 - None
1985 - Kevin Martin
1986 - Josh Henson
1987 - Jim Thomas
1988 - Jack Crider
1989 - Pat Hill
1990 - Joe Neely
1991 - Karen Wilson
1992 - Bob Johnson
1993 - Lee Pamulak
1994 - Emily Carpenter
1995 - Kevin Martin
1996 - Jack Roller
1998 - Wade Schalles
1999 - Mike Newburn
2000 - John Purnell
2001 - Mike Lujan
2002 - Sue Dennis
2003 - Joe Wilson
2004 - Chris Orlando
2005 - Steve Daugherty & Mary Ancona
2006 - Darlene Grainger
2007 - Darrel Lauderdale
2008 - Larry Lujan
2009 - Jack Crider
2010 - Tony Staley
2011 - David Smith
2012 - Trevor Hartwig
2013 - David Mudgett
2014 - Wes Creason
2015- John Salter
2016- Doug Denson
2017- Dan Roland
2018- Dan & Kris Vacha
2019- Jason Loyd
Sustained Superior Performance Award
Award to an individual who has given 20 plus years of service dedicated to the development of AAU Wrestling.
1968 - Maurice E. "Pat" McGill
1969 - John K. Eareckson
1970 - Steere Noda
1971 - George Myerson
1972 - Fendly Collins
1973 - Ivan Olsen
1974 - Billy Martin
1975 - Cy Mitchell
1976 - Roy Moore
1977 - Andrew Kovacz
1978 - Billy Vandiver
1979 - John Schindle
1980 - Capt. Stephen Archer
1981 - Elias George
1982 - Frank M. Crosby
1983 - Joe Henson
1984 - Wes Brown
1985 - Dean Rockwell
1986 - None
1987 - Muri E. Thrush
1988 - David Rivenes
1989 - Larry Bergstrom
1990 - Josiah Henson
1991 - John Hale
1992 - Jim Thomas
1994 - None
1995 - Michael L. Smith
1996 - Kevin Martin
1997 - Laris Roberts
1998 - Luda Dixon
1999 - Cindi Trombly & Laris Roberts
2000 - Preston & Ira Kiprivica
2001 - Archie Crawford
2002 - Monsignor Michael Devine
2003 - Jean Olson
2004 - Lillian McCracken
2005 - Jamie Schade
2006 - Karen Wilson
2007 - Elias George
2008 - Don Whitmus
2009 - Lee Pamulak
2010 - Terry Williams
2011 - Dave Bennetts
2012 - Wes Creason
2013 - Curt Williams
2014 - Darrel Lauderdale
2015- Rodney & Darlene Grainer
2016- Don Barnett
2017- Don Elsea
2018- Don Barnett
2019- Jack Crider
Special Service Award
2005 - The Lucero Family
2006 - Jane & Pat Miner
2007 - Jim & Betty Scollard
2007 - Mike & Julie Challeen
2008 - Wade Behm & Frank Pavich
2009 - Bob Johnson Family
2010 - Rodney & Darlene Grainger & Family
2011 - Shane & Lisa Gorder
2013 - Mike & Doris Smith
2014 - Donna Silvestri
2015- Stacey Rice
2016- The Wilson Family
2017- Blake & Kathy Love
2018- John & Melissa Kramer
2019- Amanda & Corey Cortez
Friends of AAU Award
Awarded tp sponsors and friends who support AAU Wrestling.
2006 - Wrestling Apparel
2007 - John Hackney
2008 - Jerry & Sheila Wager
2009 - UNO Wrestling
2010 - Fred Schoeler
2011 - 3X Gear Todd Fuller & Steve Saxton
2012 - NA
2014 - Southeastern Wrestling Group
2015- Shane & Lisa Gorder
2016- Renee & Javier Atencio
2017- Adidas
2018- Troy & Janell Jensen
2019- Rick Solosky
AAU Coach of the Year
Awarded to the AAU Wrestling Coach of the Year.
1977 - Jerry Wager
1978 - Ron Johnson
1979 - Lee Allen
2006 - Danny Upchurch
2007 - Steve Harner
2008 - Rolly Fink
2009 - Gary Wise
2010 - Tom McCann
2012 - John Brown
2013 - Randy Burwick
2014 - Jody Strittmatter
2015- Chris Sayler
2016- Rob Pilcher
2017- Ralph Cubberly
2018- Todd Miller
2019- Mike Sutherland