2023 AAU Wrestling Handbook Download Complete Handbook: Click Here
AAU Wrestling Handbook General Rules and Procedures
Current Year Rule Changes
i. AAU Folkstyle Belt – to be eligible, an athlete must compete and take first (1st) place in three (3) of the following six (6) events
1. Fall Youth Nationals
2. Winter Youth Nationals
3. Folkstyle World Championships
4. Spring Youth Nationals
5. Eastern or Western Grand Nationals
6. All District (State) Championships
ii. Following statement will be published on all Tournament Flyers: Note – Please be aware there is a strong likelihood that you will wrestle more than five (5) matches in one day.
iii. Wording will be changed in Scholastic Duals information regarding 7th and 8 th graders to read: Incoming Freshmen will be allowed to compete in the duals.
iv. Wording to be added to the Scholastic Duals and AAU Junior Olympic Games information: Late weigh-ins must be requested/applied for one (1) week prior to weigh-ins.
i. For all AAU national events weigh-ins will last for four hours and take place the day before competition begins. Satellite weigh-ins are allowed. An AAU official will be present in the weigh-in room during all scheduled weigh-ins. There will be only one weigh-in for either single or multiple day events.
ii. All wrestlers must weigh-in wearing a singlet.
iii. Re-weighs are not allowed.
Skin Checks
i. During weigh-ins, the trainer or medical personnel will complete a full skin evaluation process on each athlete. No alteration in any uniform/equipment will be permitted in order to control the spread of skin disease. All contagious skin diseases should be evaluated on site by the trainer working that event and only then if deemed that the wrestler is unfit for participation. The Trainer has final word of participation unless medical release is provided by a licensed medical doctor. Once the final determination is made, the athlete may be evaluated on a day to day basis to reenter the competition.
Officials Code of Conduct
i. All AAU referees, judges, mat chairs, and pairing masters shall conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. It is essential that each official exhibit good citizenship and high moral conduct in their relationships with athletes, parents, coaches, fans, and fellow officials. Each must, at all times, maintain the highest degree of personal integrity. NOTE: All references to Youth, District, Regional, and National competitions are AAU licensed and sponsored.
ii. Anyone interested in wrestling is invited to join the National AAU Officials District. There can be many interesting challenges and opportunities for those who select to become part of our officiating family. We view the roles of Officials and Pairing Masters at the AAU as our organization’s ambassadors.
Protest Procedures
i. Protest filing procedure is as follows:
a. Protest must be of a technical (rule violation), not of a judgmental nature.
b. Protest must be submitted to the Tournament Technical Committee within thirty (30) minutes of the end of the alleged violation.
c. The written protest must contain the following information:
i. Names of contesting wrestlers or persons involved, including their Division and weight class.
ii. Mat number or its identification if the mats are not numbered.
iii. Names of the officials who observed the alleged violation.
iv. Nature of the protest, including particular rules violated.
v. Desired settlement or adjustment.
d. A $50.00 refundable deposit, if protest is upheld, is required at the time of the protest filing. If the protest is denied, the deposit is retained by the Tournament Committee.
e. An un-appealable final decision will be rendered by the Tournament Technical Committee, as soon as possible, before the next round in that weight class. A written report of all protests, including their results, will be forwarded to the AAU National Wrestling Chair.
f. Protest (challenge) of an Illegal Athlete You must file a protest (challenge) of an illegal wrestler before the end of the first (1st) day of competition.
AAU Wrestling Handbook / Competition Rules
Age & Weight Class
Pairing Rules
1. AAU Tournament Pairing Rules
a. Styles of Pairing
i. AAU utilizes two (2) styles of pairing: Brackets and pool pairing.
1. Pool Pairing maybe used in team dual competitions in all styles of wrestling. Team duals may use brackets, pools or a combination of both.
2. Rules for brackets & pools are found in the International Style (FILA) or the National Federation of State High School Athletic District (NFSHSAA) rulebook. AAU has modifications to both rulebooks. Contact the National Official(s) for further information.
3. Sombo pairing rules can be found in the Federation International De Sombo Amateur rulebook.
2. Tournament Pairing Rules
a. During the course of the contract, TRACK WRESTLING will be utilized in all National Championships.
i. The chief pairing master has many responsibilities and plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of a wrestling tournament. It is important to remain calm and on top of things at all times. When errors occur, and they will happen, it is essential that they be corrected as soon as possible. Remember, THE TOURNAMENT IS BEING CONDUCTED FOR THE WRESTLERS. Their rights must always be protected.
ii. During international tournament weigh-ins, each competing wrestler draws a number which he keeps throughout the tournament. There is no seeding. The draw will not be used when using TrackWrestling. The size of many tournaments in the United States normally does not permit the use of this procedure. We do allow separation of teammates or wrestlers from the same area for the first two rounds.
iii. A wrestler may wrestle the same opponent twice during the same tournament.
iv. A minimum 15-minute period will be held between matches (this can be waived-in writing-if both wrestlers agree).
b. Method of Competition
i. Individual tournaments – Brackets will be used when there are six (6) or more. If there are only 5 or less wrestlers, the round robin system of “one against the other” is applied.
ii. All National tournaments will be run using the number system.
iii. Brackets will not be repaired due to no shows unless it creates a double bye. Wrestler will receive a bye.
c. Modification of Pairings
i. If a wrestler is forced to withdraw from the tournament because of an injury, illness, or a reason approved by the Tournament Committee, he must officially withdraw in writing.
ii. If a pairing mistake is made when pairing wrestlers, the following method should be used for correction:
1. Stop the round involved if possible and correct it.
2. If the round has already been wrestled, hold those bout sheets.
3. Correct the round and wrestle those matches indicated.
4. As wrestling continues, if a bout from the incorrect pairing appears, that bout will be used. There is no need to re-wrestle the same bout.
d. Recording
i. In each round, the pairings and the results of each bout are recorded on a master pairing sheet. A wall pairing sheet shall also be posted for the competitors so they may be informed about the result of their matches and the next round of pairings. An order of bouts shall be posted for the competitors.
ii. In international competition the color of the uniform is determined by the wrestler in the bracket. The top wrestler in the bracket is red.
iii. Note - It is possible that one may wrestle the same person twice.
e. Disqualification
i. DISQUALIFICATION from a bout does not mean disqualification from the entire tournament, unless the mat official clearly states that. If the bout sheet is unclear, check before pairing the next round.
f. Tournament planning Aids and Calculations – for those in need if not using TrackWrestling at your local events, see Tournament Planning Aids and Calculations on the AAU National Wrestling website.
Tie Breaker Criteria
a. Folkstyle, Individual, Pool, and Dual Matches will use the current High School Federation Rules with modifications.
b. Freestyle and Greco-Roman, Individual, Pool, and Dual Matches will use the current FILA Rules with modifications.
c. Tie breakers for Individual tournaments will be published at each tournament.
d. Tie breakers for Pool Play will be published at each tournament.
e. Tie breakers for Dual Matches will be published at each tournament
Levels of Competition
1. An important feature of the various levels of competition is the distinctive authority of the District Wrestling Committee. With AAU Youth competitions, the District is only required to follow the AAU Youth program rules. As such, they receive support from the National Youth office in the form of guides and information. Regulations and policies involving preliminary and District level competition are largely under the jurisdiction of the District Wrestling Committee, led by the AAU District Wrestling Chair.
2. Preliminary Competition
a. These are local wrestling events that any amateur (AAU card holding) athlete may enter if in the proper birth year division. Please note some of these competitions are used as qualifiers for District meets. In some instances, Districts are divided into sections or regions, with each area possibly holding a preliminary meet. Contact your local coaches or AAU District Youth Wrestling Chair for more information. 1(800) AAU-4USA will put you in contact with your local AAU District office.
3. District Competition
a. These are District-wide wrestling events, which are open to eligible amateur (AAU card holding) athletes. Most are open meets within specified birth year divisions.
4. National Level Competition
a. Grand Nationals
i. Individual – Freestyle/Folkstyle/Greco-Roman
b. Folkstyle World Championship
i. Individual – Folkstyle
c. Scholastic Duals
i. Team Competition – Folkstyle
d. AAU Junior Olympic Games
i. Team Competition – Freestyle
e. Ironman World Championships
i. Individual - TBD
f. Winter and Spring Youth Nationals
i. Winter – Individual Folkstyle Tot – Schoolboy
ii. Spring – Individual Folkstyle K – 8 th grades
g. Middle School duals
i. Team Competition – Folkstyle
h. Elementary School Duals
i. Team Competition – Folkstyle
i. Frosh/Soph Duals
i. Team Competition - Folkstyle
j. AAU National Team Camp(s)
i. Individual – 5 through 19
5. Club/Team Competition
a. Action at the annual AAU Wrestling Committee Meeting in 1993 gave the local organizing committees of National AAU Wrestling events the clearance to include club/team competition. It is the prerogative and responsibility of the tournament host to determine and announce if there will be club/team competition. An AAU Club/Team is defined as a group of wrestlers that are from the same District.
b. Action at the annual AAU Wrestling Committee Meeting in 2005 resulted in a Three Tier Club Competition format – Super Clubs, Local Clubs and District Clubs.
i. Action at the annual AAU Wrestling Committee Meeting in 2014 resulted in the restructuring of the Three Tier Club/Team Competition format – Super Clubs/Teams, Level 1 Clubs/Teams, and Level 2 Clubs/Teams.
c. The following are guidelines for all National Championships that will be used when conducting this competition.
i. In any competition for club awards, a wrestler may represent only one AAU club/team.
ii. There will be a Three Tier structure for these events:
1. Super Clubs/Teams – will consist of a roster of All Star wrestlers
2. Level 1 Clubs/Teams – will consist of a roster of less than seventeen (17) wrestlers.
3. Level 2 Clubs/Teams – will consist of a roster of more than eighteen (18) wrestlers.
d. Club/Team rosters will be obtained through TrackWrestling.
e. The coach must submit a copy (proof) of the clubs/team current membership with the AAU at registration time to be eligible for club/team competition. Placement earned only by those on the point earning list will be included in club/team scoring.
f. Once weigh-ins close, the only changes that are allowed are changes in a wrestler’s weight class.
g. Team Point System: No advancement or fall points will be awarded. Only placement points will be used to compile club/team scores. The designated club/team member for points will be the one placing highest.
i. First place = 16 points
ii. Second place = 12 points
iii. Third place = 9 points
iv. Fourth place = 7 points
v. Fifth place = 5 points
vi. Sixth place = 3 points
h. A club/team entry fee of $50 will be paid by clubs entering this competition.
i. The host will award a first and second place team trophy in each of the three (3) categories of clubs/teams (6 trophies total).
i. Club/team competition forms – If needed, see Club/Team Competition Forms on the AAU National Wrestling website under the “Rules” tab.
6. Women’s Competition
a. The AAU encourages the development of women’s events. Females may wrestle in all AAU wrestling events but most compete against the males in the appropriate weight, classes and divisions. If a female division is offered, you may wrestle in this.
b. Female age divisions will be comparable to those of the male divisions. Similarly, weight classes will either parallel those of the males or block weights (the Madison System) may be employed.
c. Age Categories/Weight Classes i. The age categories and weight classes for women’s wrestling shall be identical to those for men’s wrestling listed in this book.
d. Attire (Dress)
i. Participants must present themselves for competition clothes as follows:
1. A leotard or a singlet specifically cut/designed for women. It is mandatory that all participants have at their disposal one singlet of any design.
2. Wearing supple wrestling shoes with no heels, buckles, or metal attachments.
3. Wearing a bra without metal clasps is recommended.
4. Hair must be tied back with an elastic or ribbon, with no metal attachments.
5. Without jewelry.
6. It is forbidden to wear a man’s singlet with or without a T-shirt underneath.
e. Weigh In i. A separate area for female weigh-ins will be provided.
f. Length of Bouts i. Bouts are to be identical in length for men and women.
g. General Technical Rules i. All technical rules for men’s wrestling apply equally in women’s wrestling.
h. Illegal Holds
i. As well as the general illegal holds established for men’s wrestling, the following holds are illegal in women’s wrestling:
1. All double (full) nelsons, whether in parterre or standing position.